Hello Brothers of Lafayette Bible Lodge,
I wish to start off by thanking all of you for your support as I begin my journey in the East.
Congratulations to all officers both elected and appointed. I look forward to the collaborative progression as we continue to raise up our lodge, each other, and share our principles within the community. To no surprise I'm sure, I will be most desirous to focus on the aspects of "more light" in masonry. However, I will respectfully refrain from an overwhelming indulgence of the esoteric. Also, I wish for a resurgence of Lafayette Bible Lodge's display of it's tenets in the community. I will need all ideas, support, and efforts for any to come to fruition.
Lastly brothers, I wish to express my absolute admiration and love for our fraternity and more particularly, the brothers of our lodge. We are part of a family that makes conscious efforts to better ourselves and promote the same for mankind. I feel today more than ever, such practices show their wealth of merit.
Together, we shall improve ourselves and do good things.
Fraternally yours,
W.M Zachariah Brock